25 February 2009

interpretive and social impacts of Shakespeare

I just watched the youtube clip that was posted on Professor's blog...I HATED IT!!!! the emotion was not there like it was in the clip we saw in class today...Othello's acting seemed fake, forced and practiced...it didn't depict what I had imagined at all! The metaphor with the candle was taken out, he kissed his wife AFTER he killed Desdemona...why?! who DOES that? Othello seemed very, CRAZY! maybe, in my opinion, it was just bad acting, but I was taken aback by the work...and was not drawn in whatsoever...

BUT, there were things that I disliked about the new version we saw in class...I'm torn between whether Desdemona's last words should or should not have been removed...I'm not a huge fan of dying, coming to life and then dying again...too fake...but her words in the play give way to the emotion and guilt Desdemona took on because of her seemingly "undying" love for Othello...

the technical characteristics we pointed out in class were better demonstrated in the movie viewing in class...it was interesting that Othello was wearing white adorned with gold before killing Desdemona and then was the only one wearing black after murdering her...I would have thought that Iago would have some sort of "devilish" appearance to him...

maybe the "encounters" that were due today had some relevance...future interpretations of the play have "set the stage" in a sense for future representations of racism and the obstacles it in tales...

what do you guys think? do you think that different interpretations of Shakespeare's work have helped to establish tension and problems for different races? be they marriage, trust, violence or superiority?

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